Help Us
Help Her Play

We provide funding for young female hockey players who have the passion to play but face financial challenges.

Our Mission

Our mission is at the heart of everything we do. Every day, we strive to help more girls get involved in hockey, ensuring that any girl with the desire to play has the opportunity—regardless of financial circumstances. We are passionate about our work and look forward to continuing to create opportunities for young female hockey players for years to come!

Grants Provided
Dollars provided to fund girls in hockey

The Moment

Watch the moment these girls heard they could play hockey for another season…

Unable to support Grindstone financially?

Here are some
ways you can help...

We are so grateful for your earnest desires to help support us, so, to help you give back, we’ve made it super easy to find ways for you to help girls play hockey!

  • Choose Grindstone: Did you know that you can designate Grindstone as a charity partner for any event? Selecting the Grindstone Award Foundation for your event’s charity proceeds can increase visibility of the charity and helps raise funds for girls to play.
  • In-Kind Donations: Have a product or service that we can raffle off or utilize to further our fundraising goal? Auctions and raffles currently serve as a major source of our fundraising dollars. We’d love to hear from you with some more details!
  • Event Promotions: Help promote our Foundation in any fashion. Whether it’s inviting us to set up a booth at your event, advertising Grindstone at your event or in your programming, donating proceeds from a raffle or 50/50 draw, we are always looking to grow our visibility.
  • Volunteer: Our entire team is made up volunteers. We are small but mighty and we could always use an extra set of hands! Contact us to join our team of dedicated volunteers.
  • Team Fundraising: Team fundraisers are a great way to raise funds for your season. Consider Grindstone when you are looking to donate part of the proceeds to charity! Have some extra cash sitting in your team’s bank account at the end of the season? Pay it forward and donate it as a team or as individuals!
  • Social Media: Promoting our mission through your social media or other relevant channels and engaging with our content is a great way to ensure your followers and subscribers know about Grindstone as a resource. We are happy to cross-promote like-minded organizations to ensure both sides grow our respective brands.
  • Media Features: Do you run sports blogs? Podcasts? YouTube channels? We’d love the opportunity to discuss Grindstone on these platforms to help your subscribers learn more about us.

The list of ideas is endless and we are open to any other ideas you may have to enable girls to play. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we would be happy to help get your ideas into action!

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  • Stay informed about important dates, including grant application deadlines
  • Learn about upcoming events and fundraisers

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